Dimensional Metrology Services at 1st-Article

All inspection equipment used to perform the following services is controlled and calibrated with traceability to N.I.S.T. (National Institute of Standards and Technology). The 1st-Article Calibration System is tracked by an electronic recall database and is compliant to ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994.

  • First Article Inspection (Approval)
    A thorough dimensional analysis is provided on an easy-to-follow report with a coded part drawing. All equipment used in the inspection of your part is clearly marked with Gage Recall Tool ID's for traceability.
  • Process Capability Studies
    Your samples will be pre-marked using one of many options available to you including individual bags and tagging. The pre-marked samples will be easily identifiable in your Capability Study. Includes Mean Values, Mean Shift, Standard Deviations, Averages, Minimum & Maximum Values, Cp and Cpk.
  • SPC Charting and Analysis
    If further SPC calculations are required beyond what is included in the Capability Study you may have your inspection results displayed in a comprehensive charting and analysis format using Quality Analyst software.
  • Part-to-3D CAD Model Comparison
    With the use of PC-DMIS software, full advantage of your CAD model can be implemented through inspection programs and measurement evaluations. PC-DMIS was the first software to link CAD systems and measurement software through its Direct CAD interface (DCI) technology. It was also the first software to simulate measurement in an offline virtual environment.
  • Non-Contact Optical Inspection
    Non-contact optical measurement is the perfect function to complement the CMM's capabilities because not all dimensions can be established with a CMM stylus. Often, a customer will prefer the optical measurement method as it may be easier to correlate measurements with their in-house optical systems.
  • Surface Roughness (finish) Analysis
    Precise surface roughness measurements are collected using equipment which is approved under DIN/ISO/JIS standards. Measurements can be taken in hard-to-reach areas including bores as small as 4 millimeters.
  • Force Measurement (tensile and compression)
    Tensile or compression force measurements are accurately and reliably obtained using industry standard equipment. Force evaluations of your hardware insertion process can be easily evaluated during the First Article Inspection process or simply as a one-off service.
  • Weights and Batch Counting
    Mass weight of your parts can be accurately obtained. By removing or adding material, your part can be precisely calibrated to a predefined weight. Batch sorting by weight is also available.
  • Visual Cosmetic Inspection and Sorting
    Proper inspection lighting in accordance to ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994 is available for your cosmetic inspection requirements. Lighting is monitored using a photo sensor LUX meter.
  • Point Clouds (reverse engineering)
    By implementing an abductive dimensional analysis of your part object, a 3D CAD model and 2D drawing can be constructed for your further manufacturing purposes.
  • Fixture Qualification and Certification
    Manufacturing and process inspection fixtures can be precisely tuned to your requirements. Routine calibrations to confirm wear and tear are also available.
  • PC-DMIS CAD Programming
    Due to process "fires" and a shortage of CMM programmers 1st-Article can help take the ease off of your lab by writing and proving out PC-DMIS and PC-DMIS CAD programs. They can be emailed to you with set-up instructions.
  • Dimensional Inspection Consulting
    Having troubles relaying pertinent information to your inspection drawings? Do you need help interpreting a drawing? Do you need a second opinion?
    Call 1st-Article at 1-(360) 260-6982.


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Vancouver, Washington, USA